

  1. Use the Facet Search options to further refine results by specific properties.
  2. To perform another full text search, or refine the existing search, you may click the "Adjust Search Criteria" button.
  3. Search results will show in this results table, along with a count of all found projects in the box above.

Tour Search Page

Help: Search


Help: Visualizations
  1. Facet search may be conducted for visualizations.
  2. You may summarize and refine results using the filter dropdowns. The first one will change the groupings, and the second will color code groupings.
  3. You may visualize the data using the buttons embedded in the chart, to bar, column, line, or pie chart formats.
  4. Using the embedded export option, you may export your visualization as an image.
  5. The visualization results will also show in a table below the chart. This table will be exported when you export the visualization as a CSV or XLS file.

Tour Visualizations

Map Visualizations

  1. Facet search may be conducted for maps.
  2. Maps may be exported as an image, or as a table of map data, using the control shown here.

Tour Map Visualizations

Help: Maps

Related Resources

Help: Related Resources
  1. Facet search may be conducted for related resources.
  2. Results will be listed in table format.
  3. You may select results, and export to a CSV file.

Tour Related Resources